Project Details
Project Code DW105
Project Type ASP.NET Website
Front End Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (.Net 2008)
Back End Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Project Cost

About the Project

Life saver system is a web application developed for blood donations. This consists of two set of users, Administrators and Blood Donors. Administrator login is created for chief doctors in major hospitals which run this web application. Blood Donors who are willing to donate blood have to register in the system. While registering the donors are requested to give the details such as Blood Group, Available days when the user can donate blood, Location, etc.

When blood is needed for a person, then the corresponding administrator should add the details of the patient such as, Patient name, Blood group, Location of the hospital, etc. The system will automatically analyze the list of donors who can donate blood for a particular patient. Then the system compares the location of the person and the hospital where the patient is admitted. Then the system compares the day of blood needed and the day’s availability of the donor.

Finally for the qualified donors E-Mail will be sent to their personal Mail Address and a mail will be dispatched to the donor login page of the system. If the donor is interested in donating blood then he can login to the system to see the full details.

Several donors may be interested in donating blood and it may create confusions. So, once a donor reaches a hospital for blood donation. It should be updated in the system. Then the system will automatically send EMail to all the remaining donors that their need is fulfilled.

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Mobile: (+91)9952346866

LIFE SAVER SYSTEM (BLOOD DONATION) LIFE SAVER SYSTEM (BLOOD DONATION) Reviewed by JeganKumar on December 01, 2013 Rating: 5

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